
Hagen Terschüren on Mastodon likes:

A like is more than a number goes up. It’s the tip of a hat, a sign of appreciation and yes, a boost of serotonin. It’s also an escape from capitalist exploitation. Because no, the TikTok business influencers aren’t right. You don’t need to build your brand. You are allowed to have fun on the internet. And social media is most fun when it’s happening in your social circle. A like from a friend is worth way more than a repost from some person you never heard of.

Discovered via Ana Rodrigues.

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Almost a year ago Mastodon set up its U.S. non-profit organisation, introduced its Board of Directors and had their original German non-profit status removed. In a blog post the Mastodon team explained the setup of the U.S. entity did not have to do with their German non-profit status being revoked. This month the Mastodon team is taking it further by setting up a new non-profit organization in Germany, they explain:

Simply, we are going to transfer ownership of key Mastodon ecosystem and platform components (including name and copyrights, among other assets) to a new non-profit organization, affirming the intent that Mastodon should not be owned or controlled by a single individual.

[...] Taking the first tentative steps almost a year ago, there are already multiple organizations involved with shepherding the Mastodon code and platform. The next 6 months will see the transformation of the Mastodon structures, shifting away from the early days’ single-person ownership and enshrining the envisioned independence in a dedicated European not-for-profit entity.

The current CEO will hand over ownership to focus on a role in product strategy. Good changes all around will be good to see what more is in store for the platform's future.

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