
Stefan writes about how a <section> is essentially a <div> if an aria-label is not used. The <section> element would have been more prominent if browsers had implemented document outline functionality, which, according to Stefan never happened. So today, you can use <section>s to signal where a section begins and ends, an example given in the writing was a summary paragraph.

In my site and blog, I use <sections> a number of times, and TIL they're not much more than <div>s. I'll have to revisit my HTML templates and CSS and make changes.

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The author of TheCoffeeMachine gives a detailed walkthrough of how to add maps to a hugo site using uMap, which allows you to create maps based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) layers, and a shortcode that allows you to embed them. This is a belated TIL as I've already used this a few times, most recently for my post on the Tri-Country Train.

A rough overview of the steps involves signing up for and using uMap. This will allow you to create a map, set markers, and make the adjustments you need on top of existing OSM layer. From here using hanzei's hugo-component-osm theme you can embed the map into the hugo site using a shortcode. This includes passing in any parameters that uMap supports like coordinates to center the map and the zoom level.

I recommend reading the linked post for detailed steps. I needed to take this further and include a class within the iframe that's rendered on the page to able to style it with CSS. Unable to find a way to do this I forked and made my own addition. The pull request was created to the original repository if hanzei would like to include the changes. Here's a sample of what it looks like:

{< openstreetmap mapName="usa-train-lines-using-stadler-multiple-units_1100675" coordX="40.0731" coordY="-74.8924" scale="10" class="alignright" >}}

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Atom differs from RSS in a few key ways and for the better. Chris Wellons' blog post outlines a few of these differences theyve encountered while working on Elfeed for emacs. One thatve I run into before and find really odd is the use of <channel> when only one channel is permitted in an RSS feed.

Having a channel tag suggests a single feed can have a number of different channels. Nope! Only one channel is allowed, meaning the channel tag serves absolutely no purpose.

Atom is a much cleaner specification, with much clearer intent, and without all the mistakes and ambiguities.

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