I try not to be negative in what I post online, for this reason, this will stay out of the main blog, and my Mastodon account, but I wanted to comment in some way so it will be a link post. Linked is a YouTube video from Mutahar on the incident with MKBHD, if you prefer reading here's a Verge article. I don't care to comment much on the ethicality of a full length sponsored video that seemingly positions itself as a review but what I don't have any tolerance or respect for is the egregious speeding especially in a residential area. The main speedometer was blurred out to cover the crime but the car had a passenger-side speedometer as well that showed Marquees drove up to 95 mph which converts to 152 kmh where the limit is 56kmh! Completely reckless to drive at those speeds at all, even more so in a residential area where a children playing sign was visible in the video. The video was quickly edited with a comment that said "Cut out the unnecessary driving clip that obviously added nothing to the video. I hear all your feedback on sponsored videos too." Good cover-up...
The linked video from Mutahar covers my views on the event.
Read from link