
Philipp Keller documents three examples of defining a database schema for your tagging strategy with performance tests and sample queries. The simple "MySQLicious" solution with one table for items and tags. The "Scuttle" solution with two tables one for tags and the other for items. Finally, the classic associative tables approach, or as called by the author the "Toxi" solution, with a table for items, another for tags, and an item-mapping table.

The last approach also has a Wikipedia entry, that I sometimes refer to when building similar tables as a subtle reminder.

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What if I told you that by tuning a few knobs, you can configure SQLite to reach ~8,300 writes / s and ~168,000 read / s concurrently, with 0 errors

Some interesting configurations that are possible with SQLite today making it much more versatile even though it isn't designed to be a client/server SQL database. Discovered via Simon Willison's weblog.

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