Once You're Laid Off, You'll Never Be the Same Again - Mert Bulan

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No matter how much I enjoy the work I do, or how great my team is, I remind myself that the company I work for is my employer and I'm nothing more than an employee. I signed a contract to do work in exchange for a salary and that's all I am within work hours.

Mert Bulan wrote a piece on employer trust, job security and what to do if you haven't been laid off.

When I looked back on my time at the company and all the things I had accomplished, I was surprised to be impacted by the layoffs. It wasn’t because I thought I was better than others—it was because I believed I was doing more than what was expected of me. However, during a layoff, it seems that who you are and what you do doesn’t matter. In most cases, the decision is made by people who don’t even know you.

Discovered via Arne's weekly post.

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