tinyworldmap - a tiny world map for offline-first and low-bandwidth web apps

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Based on OpenStreetMap data this map displays all country borders along with the 10,000 most populous cities. The file itself comes down to 628KB, which is impressive, allowing it to be cached on the client device. Different variants of this map are available with no country borders or fewer cities, to bring the overall size down. This can be used as a base map or a fallback map with leaflet. What I found interesting was looking into the code and seeing how the land areas were plotted and drawn, with the lakes then drawn above that and finally the cities after the lakes.

After discovering this, I've taken the opportunity to use it on my rail page to plot all the locations where I've filmed a video. At the time of posting this, it hasnt reached its final form yet but I'll be working on it over the coming days.

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